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Samstag, 21. Mai 2011, 11:19

LAG Probleme der letzten Tage, Info von GameServers.com

There are currently some global network issues that are occurring that is stemming from a fiber issue in the Chicago area.
Some of our datacenters are being effect with limited connection interruptions. Some end users may be experiencing problems if routing through affected networks. Our service provider is working to stabilize their network as soon as possible. We will update you with any information as it becomes available.

=[KsK]= M4verick


Beiträge: 2 941

Status: Mitglied

Meine Spiele: Battlefield

Wohnort: Drensteinfurt

Aktivitätspunkte: 3 213


Samstag, 21. Mai 2011, 11:23

Haben wir denn was mit Chicago zu tun, wenn unser Server in den Niederlanden steht?
MfG Jonas

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