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Montag, 7. Januar 2008, 15:25

Crysis server query

After a while (exact time is random, some times it works for an hour other times for 6 hours) the query to the server stops.
Server dissapears from HLSW , Gametracker considers it Dead/Restarting and the CryQuery 0.2 sees it at Der Server ist im Moment nicht erreichbar...
Wir bitten dies zu Entschuldigen...

The server is running on a Windows XP SP2 in my local lan. (I can't see it through the local IP so it can't be a routing problem).
People can connect to it, game runs smooth but the query just died on it's own.

Ideas ?

Many thanks.

P.S. Tried running the server without config, with standard Crysis Documentation config, same problems. The server is No Punkbuster since I heard that PB causes crashes on Crysis.

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