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=[KsK]= Podracer

Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 9 988

Status: Mitglied

Position: Forum Admin

Meine Spiele: Battlefield

Wohnort: Nordhorn

Aktivitätspunkte: 12 494


Mittwoch, 12. April 2006, 22:45

Obsidian Edge 2

Wie vor kurzem bekannt wurde, bleibt Navy SEALs: Covert War nicht die einzige Mod die mit einem Vorab-SDK arbeiten darf..

Jetzt wurde die zweite Mod bekanntgegeben - Obsidian Edge II: Theatre of War, so der derzeitige Arbeitstitel.

Wie auch bei Obsidian Edge für FarCry soll der Realismus und die Taktik nicht zu kurz kommen.
Neben vielen Features aus OE1 werden natürlich noch weitere Neue eingebaut.
Einen kleinen Vorgeschmack gibt folgende Checkliste:


Features Common to all Gameplay Modes

[list] # Multiple classes of soldiers, each with unique weapons and abilities.
# Weapons, kit selections and ammo load-outs are balanced and realistic.
# A customizable weapons system will be implemented.
# Bullet damage spin - when hit by a bullet, your aim is realistically affected by the impact.
# Injuries affect player abilities.
# Realistic Walk speeds and run speeds.
# Realistic damage models and lasting effects.
# Multiple unique vehicle types for a new game experience and more intense tactical battles.
# Easy start up for new & casual players - get in the action fast![/list]

Multiplayer Gameplay

[list] # Maps will range from massive with vehicle support to small with no vehicles.
# Several multiplayer game types including: Team Elimination, Protect the VIP, Team Demolition, Team Domination, and Free For All.
# Player lives can be limited from one to infinite server-side.
# Full Mapcycle control and other server options facilitates unattended dedicated servers.
# Buddy / Jerk system for finding your buddys on-line and avoiding those you don't want to play with. (Tentative)
# Integrated squad voice communications. (Tentative)[/list]

Cooperative Gameplay

[list] # Cooperative multiplayer gameplay modes will be available on most of the multiplayer maps. Play against the AI with your friends.[/list]

Other Key Features

[list]# Integrated Map Download Feature - Additional maps can be downloaded and automatically installed without leaving the game itself.
# Integrated Server Control Screen - All commands can be routed to either the local machine (non-dedicated server) or to remote (dedicated) servers. [/list]

Auch hier werden natürlich noch fleißige Member gesucht. Folgende Stellen sind derzeit besonders wichtig. Wer Interesse und Erfahrung hat schreibt an

We have already added some outstanding folks to the team that produced Obsidian Edge 1, but we are still seeking highly skilled individuals to work with us in the following roles:
# Level designers
# Character modeling
# Static / Environmental modeling
# Texture artists
# Animators[/list]

We are a mature group looking for mature individuals that work well in a team setting, and have experience in the role that they are applying for. Be prepared to share examples of your work, as well as the amount of time you are willing/able to commit. Signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Crytek is required for these positions.


=[KsK]= Podracer

Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 9 988

Status: Mitglied

Position: Forum Admin

Meine Spiele: Battlefield

Wohnort: Nordhorn

Aktivitätspunkte: 12 494


Mittwoch, 20. Dezember 2006, 00:19

Update des Programmierstandes incl. Screenshots von einigen Loadscreens:


:wohow: :up:

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