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Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 10:50

banned from KsK server

Hi all people,

I have just been playing in the KsK server (my nickname: Jackie Chan), a TDM clan. I just entered the server and did not talk except saying "hi all". I started shooting and had a spree of 5 kills, it being that I killed a few KsK members. Suddenly, I get banned. Not because of bad language, high ping or bug-using, just kicked. My gut feeling says they kicked me because they were doing good, but I was better and killed them.

I hope any of the KsK-clan players read this, and I expect an apology. If not, I strongly recommend all people not to enter their server anymore due to them being unfair.
TRANSLATION (or an attempt to):

Hallo an alle Leute,
Ich habe gerade auf dem KsK gespielt (mein Nickname: Jackie Chan), ein TDM clan. Ich betrat gerade den Server und sprach nicht, ausgenommen von "hi all".
Ich fing an zu schießen und hatte einen Killing-Spree von 5, mit dem ich auch einige Mitglieder KsKs tötete. Plötzlich wurde ich gebanned.
Nicht wegen schlechter Sprache, des hohen Ping oder des Bug-Usings, einfach so gebanned.
Mein Bauchgefühl sagt mir, daß sie mich bannten, weil sie mit vollem EInsatz spielten, aber ich besser war und sie getötet habe.
Ich hoffe, daß irgendwelche Spieler des KsK-clan dieses lesen und ich erwarte eine Entschuldigung. Außerdem wäre es gut wenn ihr mich unbannen würdet und mir zudem den Grund für diesen Bann verraten würdet.
Wenn nicht, empfehle ich allen Leute stark, ihren Server nicht zu betreten, da von Seiten KSKs unfair gehandelt wird.

ich bin nicht deutsch (NL) und beherrsche es daher nicht so gut.
diesen text hat ein freund für mich übersetzt.
bitte antwortet mir in englisch

][CC][ chimaera




Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 12:36

Hey Chimaera!
I can not believe that somebody kicked from us for no reason. And no time for do 5 Kills. Perhaps with 100 kills you get banned!!! Lol! No perhaps it was only a mistake from our players or they fought war or train but normally you get a little message then.
Soon a member who know of this term will answer you i think.

Anyway no one of our Members in KsK is playin unfair or anything else!!!!

With kind regards...Pimp




Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 13:09


muahahahahahah :twisted:

=[KsK]= prOhl


Beiträge: 1 112

Status: Administrator

Position: Chef

Meine Spiele: Battlefield
Call of Duty
Unreal Tournament

Wohnort: Münster

Aktivitätspunkte: 1 322


Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 14:06

Hi ][CC][ Chimaera,

yesterday we recieved a new Masterbanlist with 400 Players.

We are in a Community that is sharing a big Masterbanlist, at the Moment over 400 Players are in the Banlist.

I look but your are not in this List, so I think there was a mistake.

I see in the Logs that you only write "hi all"

And i see that nobody from KsK has banned you.
Have you type in a RCON Password? Because when somebody tried to control the Server with a bad RCON Passwort will be kicked/banned.

Ok i delete you from the ban :wink:

Sorry for this problem

PS: But i find it not OK when you write "If not, I strongly recommend all people not to enter their server anymore due to them being unfair."
Gruß =[KsK]= prOhl




Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 14:15

yeah i think your "WARNING" for KsK is wrong!!!! KsK i a realy FAIR PLAYIN CLAN ! ! ! ! !





Dienstag, 8. November 2005, 20:41

alright, thank you for me being unbanned. But i did not use Rcon or something else, so I find it very weird to just be banned from server. It might be one of your players who did it, and well, it doesnt matter.

I thank KsK for their help, and hope this will not happen again. I also hope people will enter your servers :wink:

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