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Donnerstag, 27. April 2006, 20:25

Banned From MApday

whats the reason im banned from the KSK mapday server ??

=[KsK]= Podracer

Forum Administrator

Beiträge: 9 976

Status: Mitglied

Position: Forum Admin

Meine Spiele: Battlefield

Wohnort: Nordhorn

Aktivitätspunkte: 12 482


Dienstag, 2. Mai 2006, 22:56

Ok, nobody say ist, so i will.....:

No Reason. You say you´re no cheater,
but it´s just no Fun to play with you when you play like this....

But we want to have Fun and we pay for our Server.

No comment anymore. :evil:




Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006, 19:22

im at your server for also fun :?
otherwise i dont play mapday

butt i shooted one time much whit sniper i think that that is the reason im banned from mapday server.

but ok no fun for me then

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