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Freitag, 3. November 2006, 01:18

Hi and some info on a player

Hi guys.
First post on your forum, glad to be here.

I mostly play under the name -=-Otaku-=-

It was just to tell you that a guy named Larry was playing on your servers on 3 nov around 0u00 ( that's when i joined ) up to 0u45, and he was definitely cheating. He wasn't kicked or anything, but he had no moving/strafing skills, all he did was fire while standing up from long distances and hitting.
While fighting him 1on1 up close I could kill him every time, but from far away, no chance.
And I know there are a lot of better players than me, but this guy wasn't better than me at all, just cheating.

Maybe mark his GUID and keep an eye out for him.





Freitag, 3. November 2006, 11:13


Hello QBziZ/Otaku!

Youre a fine Player, i know, cause i have the pleasure to play with or against you sometimes....! Welcome..!

I see you playin yesterday and wonder how this Larry can be better than you!!!
I look for him who he really is, but found nothin......wondering why is this guy so good cause he asked OINK OINK!!! at other Server how he can start a Server on his i must think he is a newbie.....!

In my meaning you are right and we will have a look for this guy...!!!

:Character3: Dark Greetz from me.....Pimp/OINK OINK!!!




Freitag, 3. November 2006, 13:54

Thnx for the reply.
Larry was really a piece of work as they say. Several times, on surf, he was standing in the tower while I was approaching him from the OICW zig-zagging and running and stopping, you know moving randomly to avoid getting sniped, and he still killed me every time. There aren't even pro's who get that kind of accuracy while standing up.
I did call him cheater and noob a lot, because I really wanted to make his life as miserable as possible. And he never even tried to convince me he wasn't cheating. He thought I was cheating too. LOL. If I had his cheat there would be no deaths next to my name.

I do enjoy playing at KSK as a change from BB because of the shorter game times and the fact that you have FFA servers up. And it's also the first time I have seen a 100% sure cheater there. I really know the difference between guys that have excellent gun control ( for example : a guy like gas|G-Spot is a terrific marksman but his behaviour is not like a cheater at all ) and players that just let their AG36 fire continuously while standing up and hit like a pro that is lying down.





Freitag, 3. November 2006, 23:44

Yes i know i see him today and spectate and he plays as you say with snipe and ag in stand......but problem is to see really a cheat.....i think of it too but a no_recoil advantage or a other is very hard to see with eyes....i can hear on my stomach or sense it with my dark force and then ban.....and then all scream---where is the proof of a cheat!!! You understand?

So i can do in moment...nothin

:Character3: Greetz

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