Mittwoch, 16. Oktober 2024, 23:30 UTC+2

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Mittwoch, 7. Juni 2006, 12:08

ranked aliens

how can i set up our server again as ranked one.

=[KsK]= prOhl


Beiträge: 1 112

Status: Administrator

Position: Chef

Meine Spiele: Battlefield
Call of Duty
Unreal Tournament

Wohnort: Münster

Aktivitätspunkte: 1 322


Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2006, 16:46

Sorry I have write you a lot of mails. I ask you what is with the Ranking System because there are no data for 2 months. So i delete you from the Ranking System.

Sorry but i have no time to add you again to the Ranking System.

Gruß =[KsK]= prOhl




Freitag, 9. Juni 2006, 19:14

Zitat von »"[KsK«

prohl"]Sorry I have write you a lot of mails. I ask you what is with the Ranking System because there are no data for 2 months. So i delete you from the Ranking System.

Sorry but i have no time to add you again to the Ranking System.


what mail adress did you mail to??
Havent got any mail at all from you??

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