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Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 08:45

I am not ranked anymore(?¿)

Hi guys,

I haven't come for some time to check the ranking cause i dont play too much at ranked servers lately :D but this morning i came and i see im not in the list, and i would like to know why. Last time i checked it i was third with a 80% efficiency.

I don't care at all about the ranking, but as i don't find any reason to be deleted from that ranking, i would like to know what's the reason.





Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 11:48

Hi Atomic Ant,

I am not absolutly sure, but I think prOhl has implemented some auto-deletion-programms for the stats. There were too many "ghosts" in the list so the player/nicks who haven't played on an ranked server for a longer time (I think 3 months) will be deleted from the list.

So there is no bad intention in the deletion of your stats. You just have played to much ESL and to less on the ranked servers :-). Maybe prOhl is able to restore your stats.

BR PikAsso

=[KsK]= prOhl


Beiträge: 1 112

Status: Administrator

Position: Chef

Meine Spiele: Battlefield
Call of Duty
Unreal Tournament

Wohnort: Münster

Aktivitätspunkte: 1 322


Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 15:50

Hi Atomic we already talk this morning about that and i have restrored your Data. Nice weekend and we talk Monday about the other thing.

BB prOhl
Gruß =[KsK]= prOhl




Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2006, 17:46

yehaaa thanks lads for the answer and for the help ;-)

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